I know its been a while, but I've been super tired and quite frankly, thinking makes my head hurt and my belly growl. I just got moving though and have had breakfast so I thought I would catch up.
Well, to start off, we found out we were having a girl when we went up to UMBC in Baltimore to see their Fetal Medicine Specialists. Sounds scary right?!?! was. We had to go way the heck up there because of the stupid Quad Test that they give you. The Quad test checks for various chromosomal disorders that may affect your baby, primarily Downs Syndrome. Of course mine came back with an elevated risk level (this is just how this pregnancy has been rolling so far, so I didn't expect anything different). Our odds are 1:139. Apparently they are supposed to be much lower. Either way, we had to go to the specialists for our fancy pants ultrasound/anatomy scan to check the baby out and see if there were any other soft markers that they could see for Downs. Luckily, I had my own entourage traveling with me, so we had a good time while we waited, annoying all the other parents waiting - I'm sure. But when we finally got in there the Tech was very nice and explained everything she saw and more importantly....What she did NOT see! There were no soft markers and no wiener! She looked perfectly healthy!
I go back in a month to check on her again. Hopefully, everything will still be fine and we won't need to do any further testing because that involves a long needle straight through the tummy. No thank-you. Although, any other testing we would do would just be so that we could prepare. We figure that we are more prepared than most to handle whatever comes our way and that if someone has to be the 1 in however many, it may as well be us. So far, so good though :0)
A thing to note about the soft markers and the Quad Screen. With pregnancy you never know what is going to happen in there. Even if the Quad Screen came back completely normal and no soft markers your baby still may be born with Downs Syndrome. Likewise, even if you have a 1:10 chance and they see soft markers your baby could be born completely normal.
I can't wait to meet your new little Perfect Princess, the anticipation is growing every day. I'm glad for everything they did not see but especially that there was no wiener, Girls Rule!!